Our Annual Picnic begins at 11:00 AM

If you are able to help out in any way with kids games or set up, please contact Angela Carter at 847.895.3545. Invite friends and family!

Be sure to arrive on time! Hotdogs and Hamburgers will be provided by the church, and lunch will be served at Noon.

WHAT TO BRING:A Dish to Share
THINGS TO DO:Food, Fun, Fellowship, Volleyball, Frisbee, Softball,
Bouncy House, Face Painting, Relay Races, Balloon &
Egg Toss

NEEDS:Set-up Crew - Arrive by 8 a.m.
Tear-down/Clean-up Crew
Games Team

Bring a dessert or side dish to share! Be sure to visit the back table for sign-ups.

Questions?  Please see Angela Carter

Church Picnic Sign-Up