Posts with the category “pastors-blog”

When Life Takes A Turn For The Worse
by Pastor Phil on June 5th, 2024
What do you do when you’re going along in life and things are going fine, you’re being blessed, your family is healthy and your company is prospering—when all of a sudden the bottom drops out?(Your spouse tells you they want a divorce; or you find out one of your children is very sick; or maybe that your company is laying you off)What do you do when the road you’re on suddenly takes an unexpected ...  Read More
The Power of The Tongue
by Pastor Phil on June 5th, 2024
We all remember the proverb growing up, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”  Our parents taught us to say that to the kids who were making fun out of us by calling us names.As a kid I tried using that tip several times as a defense against the mean words that some directed at me—but I have to be honest, it really didn’t stop the pain of those hurtful words. As I g...  Read More
The Heart of The Matter
by Pastor Phil on June 5th, 2024
I would like to start off by saying that nothing is more important in the eyes of God than a pure heart.What you are, how you think, what you do are all the result of what condition your heart is in. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that your heart is truly at the heart of everything God desires for your life.  Medically speaking we know that the heart is the organ inside our chest cavity th...  Read More
The Importance of Godly Fathers
by Pastor Phil on May 23rd, 2024
“The Importance of Godly Fathers” a blog post by Pastor Phil Ballmaier(6/8/21) For more Blog Posts click Here In roughly a week and a half we will celebrate one of the most important and yet downplayed commemorations on our country’s calendar—Father’s Day.Father’s Day is a day we have set aside each year to honor our nation’s fathers and their contribution to the family unit.  Unfortunately, fathe...  Read More
Blog Post-What Child Is This?
by Pastor Phil on December 17th, 2023
What Child Is This? Through the centuries people have continued to ponder who Jesus really is. In fact, that question, whether you realize it or not—is the most important question you will ever have to answer. What Child Is This?  Read More